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Oxygen (properties)

(submitted by the website administration)

Classification: Non-metal, Group: Chalcogen, Symbol: O, Crystal structure: Cubic, Electron configuration: 1s2 2s2p4
Property Value in metric unit Value in US unit
Atomic radius 0.65 Å 0.65 Å
Covalent radius 0.73 Å 0.73 Å
Ionic radius (-2) 1.4 Å 1.4 Å
Lattice constant 6.83 Å 6.83 Å
Valence electron potential -20.6 eV -20.6 eV
Energy of first ionization 1314 kJ/mol 313.8 kcal/mol
Energy of second ionization 3388 kJ/mol 809.2 kcal/mol
Energy of third ionization 5300 kJ/mol 1266 kcal/mol
Electro-chemical equivalent 0.2984 *10-3 kg/A*hr 1.023 *10-2 oz/A*hr
Electro-negativity (Pauling) 3.44 3.44
Atomic mass (average) 15.9994 15.9994
Atomic volume 14.0 cm³/mol 0.854 in³/mol
Density at 68°F (20°C), 1 atm. 1.429 kg/m³ 0.0892 lb/ft³
Heat of fusion 0.22259 kJ/mol 0.053165 kcal/mol
Heat of vaporization 3.4099 kJ/mol 0.81444 kcal/mol
Specific heat capacity 920 J/(kg*K) 0.220 BTU/(lb*ºF)
Boiling point -183.0 ºC -297.4 ºF
Melting Point -218.4 ºC -361.12 ºF
Thermal conductivity at 68°F (20°C), 1 atm. 0.03 W/(m*K) 0.21 BTU*in/(hr*ft²*ºF)
Magnetic ordering paramagnetic
Appearance colorless, odorless, tasteless gas; light blue liquid and solid

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oxygen_properties.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/14 by dmitri_kopeliovich
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